The idea of earning your keep is nothing new. Paul the Apostle said as much in his letter to the Thessalonians: If anyone is not willing to work, neither should he eat. But it’s one thing to work for our food, and another for our food to make us work, which is to say—no one wants to gnaw on a hunk of un-chewable meat.
There are many cuts of steak and other meats that are prized for their inherent tenderness, the aptly named tenderloin chief among them. But even tougher cuts can produce high-quality results, if you know how to transform them. And here’s the shocker of shockers: There are many ways to do that. We’re going to look at the major methods of meat tenderization so you can choose the technique that best fits your needs.
To read the entire article, visit my column at Serious Eats.