A few recipe updates today: Last month while in Bombay, we took a memory filled trip to the historic Irani cafes and ate a lot of bun maska (buttered bread), kheema pao and washed it down with cups of hot Irani chai. You can find my story and the recipe for the chai at Taste. Parsi and Irani food are one of my favorites cuisines from India and I’ve collected so many wonderful cookbooks on our trip that I’m eager to flip through and learn from.
I also cooked a whole sea bass that was seasoned with turmeric and served it on a bed of pearl/Israeli couscous scented with saffron strands for my column at the SF Chronicle. (Recipe in link). Sometimes, you just want something tasty yet easy to put together.
Next week, we’ll make a batch cayenne and maple infused Swiss buttercream! I think you’ll like it a lot.